News - Finances EN


General meeting of shareholders

The General meeting of shareholders deliberates on the subjects of the agenda and is convened by the Boards of directors.

The General Meeting is held annually, in the first semester, no later than June 30th. Every shareholder has the right to take part in the General meeting and have one vote per share (1 share = 1 vote).

The bond holders can take part in the General meeting of shareholders in an advisory capacity.

The notification for the General meeting held on June 17th 2021 is available here.

The financial report and the activities report are available here

General meeting of bondholders

The General meeting of bondholders deliberate on the subjects of the agenda and may be convene by the Boards of directors.

Each bond holder has the right to take part in the General meeting and vote on the basis on their bond holding.

Bonds at 4.00% issued on 2nd October 2012 and maturing on 2nd October 2021 – proposal for changes to the terms and conditions, accompanied by a partial buyback offer

Opérateur de Réseaux d’Energies SC (“ORES”) is seeking the consent of the holders of bonds at 4.00%, issued on 2nd October 2012 and maturing on 2nd October 2021 (the “Bonds”), to agree to proposed changes in the terms and conditions for the Bonds. In conjunction with this request for the consent of the holders of these Bonds, ORES is also offering to buy back part of them for cash.

I would like to receive more information about this request for consent and the buyback offer.
7/11/2013 General meeting of bond holders (Loyers)

News for investors


The announcement of the results of the ORES sc general meeting of bondholders held on 11 December 2020 is available here


Announcement of ORES sc of 25 November 2020 relating to the fixing of the spread


Press release of Opérateur de Réseaux d’Energies SC (“ORES”) about the seeking the consent of the holders of bonds at 4.00%, issued on 2nd October 2012 and maturing on 2nd October 2021 (the “Bonds”), to agree to proposed changes in the terms and conditions for the Bonds. In conjunction with this request for the consent of the holders of these Bonds, ORES is also offering to buy back part of them for cash. 


ORES is fully committed to fighting the spread of COVID-19. In order to guarantee the continuity of supply of electricity and natural gas, exceptional measures have been taken to protect our customers and staff and to maintain our public service activities. These include in particular reorganizing all services to reinforce the "social distancing" recommended by the federal government by avoiding putting healthy people in contact with infected people. Details on these measures are available on: All staff members have been given concrete guideline and instructions on how to carry out their tasks safely and how to avoid the further spread of the virus as much as possible.

As to the possible financial impact, ORES would like to draw attention to the fact that electricity and gas supply activities are governed by a regulatory framework. 


Comme suite à l’annonce publiée sur son site en date du 29 octobre 2018, ORES scrl a racheté une partie des obligations qu’elle a émises en octobre 2012 et qui viennent à échéance le 2 octobre 2021 (code ISIN BE6242530952). ORES scrl procède, conformément à l’article 7.6.5 des termes et conditions desdites obligations, à l’annulation des obligations ainsi rachetées. Suite à cette annulation, le montant nominal total de cette émission obligataire sera réduit de EUR 59.400.000,- et s’établira à EUR 290.600.000,-.


ORES scrl envisage, en fonction des conditions de marché, de racheter une partie des obligations qu’elle a émise en octobre 2012 et qui viennent à échéance le 2 octobre 2021 (code ISIN BE6242530952). Ces rachats s’effectueraient, le cas échéant, à partir du 29 octobre 2018 et s’arrêteraient au plus tard le 31 décembre 2018 et porteraient sur maximum 1.000 obligations sur les 3.500 obligations émises. 


Fernand Grifnée, ORES CEO, and Stéphane Moreau, RESA CEO, announced on March 16th 2018 that their management are analyzing the potential synergies between the two companies.  Any possible merger decision would be taken on a future date, by the respective shareholders of the concerned entities


ORES has submitted a request for a new financing to the European Investment Bank (EIB).  The purpose of the loan is to finance the renewal and modernization of the networks of the period 2018-2022.  The ORES and EIB’s press release about the financing is available here.

More news about ORES